Recruitment / Executive search
Do you wish to have access to valuable, assessed, tested candidates and dedicate your time only to final candidates and then to prospecting and integrating those with the highest performance?
Do you wish to attract and hire in your company those key candidates that will bring you the best results?
One of the most often met challenges in companies, in terms of recruitment and human resources selection, is related to the time lost with recruitment/executive search processes, time which could be used more productively for business!
This challenge is real, and it happens so, because:
Thousands of candidates apply to the recruitment ads posted on the Internet, a large part of them having nothing in common with the position, but the time spent on viewing their CVs accumulates.
Those qualified after the initial screening stage are called in for a first interview, but some of those with appointments simply do not come to the interview; it goes without saying that this stage leads to a great loss of valuable time!
Even initial interviews, when held with own personnel, represent time spent less efficiently when the candidates are inadequate.
Every single time, the solution is to collaborate with a personnel recruitment company, and the benefits you can access consist in:
Optimizing the time set aside for this process and, as a result, using it much more profitably for business purposes;
The added value given by our experience and competence that we provide to you;
The techniques and tools used have been tested over decades of work in recruitment and selection/executive search.
We know best what to do, when to act, how to act so that you receive only those candidates who have already passed our selection filters; we can deliver to you the right candidates by the deadlines we have undertaken.
You win by the quality of the process and by optimizing your time!
You win by fair deadlines and terms, beneficial to both parties, assumed and observed!
Contact us
Looking forward to receiving your questions and messages so we can offer you personalized advices.